Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mothers/Joycie Day 2016

One of the perks of being a full day ahead is the chance to celebrate everything twice, extended celebrations are the best kind~

Happy Mother's Day to my Joycie 💕

Living in another country / on the other side of the world is so amazing, I don't really get homesick but I do get "Joycie-sick"; I miss my mom so much. She's been the most constant and best person in my life, for my entire life. No matter what she has going on, she's completely selfless in everything she does. My biggest supporter, cheerleader & best friend. She deserves the world, and then some. 

So Joycie, thank you for everything you do and everything you have ever done. You're appreciated and loved more than you know. I wish you were here to lay on the beach with me today ☀️ I know Tito will be loving you extra & I'll be seeing you soon 💕 


Monday, May 2, 2016

Australian Month-aversary

I've been seriously slacking on blogging, all other forms of social media too. With no wifi in the house and limited data on my phone the only time I really have on wifi is when I tag along to practice with Eric. The gym has wifi but usually I start chatting and get totally distracted from what I meant to do. I did have a post written about two weeks ago, but going back and reading it.. It wasn't interesting and it wasn't totally truthful, it did have pretty pictures though! But now it's time for a post I'll actually upload~ 

So, it's been a month + a few days! It feels like it's been longer, I'm not sure if it's the huge time difference, the area we are in (it kinda feels like home) or the amount of change that's happened. Maybe a combo of everything. But time really does fly! It's been an interesting month. 

The Sunshine Coast was really livin up to its name for awhile, completely exceeding my expectations. I can 100% say I wasn't prepared for the humidity and hotness we arrived to. In the last few weeks it's cooled down a bit, but it's still shorts, tank tops and bathing suit weather. Apparently it'll stay like that now, which completely works for me! The last two-ish weeks have been rainy, way more than it usually is. As much as I'd rather be at the beach, I can't say I mind the rain a whole lot; I know my skin is appreciating the break from the intense sun! 

      The beach at the end of our road

               Noosa, Main Beach 

   The river/boat ramp down the street

Our living situation has been the most interesting (& the biggest challenge for me). I wasn't going to mention much about it, but in the spirit of honesty + authenticity (and the fact I'm not friends with anyone we live/lived with on fb) I'll go for it... I don't think I was mentally prepared to go back to living with people (besides Eric). Especially moving in with total strangers, after my experience freshman year (it was a nightmare) I swore that off forever. Until it was out of my control and now here we are lol. So, we live with one of the guys on the team and two girls from the women's team were also living with us; all the imports under one roof. The girls didn't know they were living with other people until they got here (I found out we were a few days before we left). Living with us totally didn't work for them and we are honestly not sure why, but they moved out today. So the last two-ish weeks with them being so miserable in the house were a bit rough. I've been trying to make the most/best of it and they didn't try at all. But now, they're out and there is more space for us so whatever!

Our other roommates are geckos.. Lots of them. 

Besides the living situation I've been seriously missing having Tito with us. In France it was great to have him when Eric had practice or an away game, he's the best company & adventure-er. Everyone has dogs here so it makes me miss him extra, he would love it. But he's having a blast at home and is being spoiled a ton! 

I still haven't seen a kangaroo but we do know where to find some wild ones so we will probably venture over there sometime this week! We are going to be going to the zoo soon, I CANNOT wait to hold a koala, hang with the kangaroos and see their tiger cubs! 🐨

I totally blanked on our official month-aversary, it was on Saturday. Eric thinks I'm crazy but I'm always down to celebrate something~ and we kind of unknowingly did celebrate! They had the first regular season game and won by a ton against the rival team! It was a really good game, the stadium was PACKED and had great energy. After the game we went out and had probably too much fun 😉

Australia is so great, everyone is extra friendly and welcoming. I was trying to compare it to France and realized that it's impossible. France had its positives too, I loved it there but they're both just so completely different. I have been struggling to settle in more here but I think that's just because it's Eric and I +1 constantly, and the +1 isn't Tito lol. Not that his teammate isn't a nice guy, he really is; it's just different. Anyway, who am I to complain? I'm in Australia. 

On a more positive note: it's my birthday month and I have a new found love for Tim tams & Australian wine~ 
