Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Life in Finland

I've been in Finland for awhile now so I guess it's about time I blogged. I've wrote this post a few times/have had this written for bit so I guess it's about time to hit "publish". According to Joycie, I have to blog because "the people want to know!!", not sure who the people are but hi, mom! 

Finland is different. I feel like living in Australia, especially the Sunshine Coast, makes every place after it look bad (miss it too much). BUT Finland is pretty and has its own positives too! It's cold and dark here, a lot. Like sun rises around 10am sets at 3:30pm kind of dark (since I've written this it's gotten a bit better). That's been throwing me off, I feel like I'm always so tired because anytime before sunrise feels like 3am and after feels like midnight. Super guilty of using it as an excuse to lounge in bed extra long. But I've definitely started appreciating the sunlight a lot more than usual, even though it's always so cold our room gets awesome natural light that I love. It's also insanely icy here, always. Our apartment is in an old school that was converted (very cool) but since it was an old school there's a ton of space out front, which is now the driveway. It's constantly a sheet of solid ice so you take your life in your hands going to the car/mailbox/anywhere. I haven't worn anything but snow boots in over a month. I feel like Finnish people must be born with extra balance or something, everyone walks everywhere! I love how people get out and walk, regardless of the weather, you'll see mostly older people which is great. Granted they have usually have ski poles, bikes and threewheeled scooters (love those) but I really think there's extra balance in their genes too. 

For the most part, most people speak English.. even if it's just a little bit, it makes life easier. Finnish is 100% impossible and all sorts of confusing. I've mastered "thank you" and that's about it. I just hope no one tries to talk to me in Finnish and when they do I apologetically/uncomfortably smile and say "English?" while hoping for the best (so far so good). 

Food shopping is a little challenging here, for the most part you know what you're getting but I usually translate what I want beforehand if I'm getting anything out of the ordinary to make it a little easier. 

Everyone has been really friendly and welcoming! At the first game I went to, I was presented with flowers which was such a nice gesture, even if I had no idea what they said and kind of wanted to crawl under my seat (I don't love being the center of attention like that), regardless so so nice! There are four other Americans on the team who are all great, so it's been fun to hang out with them and spend the holidays all together! 

Uusikaupunki is a small town, super quiet and to be honest there's not much going on, especially because it's so cold. I've heard it's amazing in the summer! But there a bunch of cute shops and places to take walks. There's a really pretty trail by our house we've hiked and on a lucky day you'll see people with their horses and ponies around there! I got to visit the stables the other day, the horses are beautiful! 

We've been to Helsinki and Turku, I'll probably post on those separately, I loved the cities! It's a nice change of pace and I have a love for pretty European streets and character. Even here in Uusikaupunki there is a ton of character and every place I've been has such a warm, cozy feel to it. I love it. 

Other than all that, life is good! A friend taught me how to knit, the Finnish way, and I'm loving it. I'm currently learning how to drive a stick, that's interesting lol. And I think I'm going "ice swimming" this weekend. Send warm vibes my way~ 

Ps- anyone with good book suggestions, send those my way too!  
