Sunday, December 6, 2015

À bientôt France

As I procrastinate packing I have been reflecting a lot on the past few months. It's been such a fun adventure so far. Time has flown by, I can't believe it's December and I'm heading home for Christmas soon! Because airlines are a complete rip off and charge insane amounts around the holidays, I decided to book before the prices were too outrageous and head back to NY in the beginning of December. 
Life in France is great and I'll definitely miss it while I'm gone. I'm so grateful for the opportunities life has given me so far, for the adventure, happiness and amazing people around me. Moving to a foreign country and not speaking the language is hard; harder than I thought but not as scary as I anticipated. I'm so lucky that I get to be here and experience it all with Eric. We have been able to explore, sightsee and really enjoy where we have been. Life when basketball runs your world is so unknown. It's so competitive, schedules, players and coaches change; nothing is guaranteed. However, I'd like to think we make the most of the unknown and the demanding schedule. Eric works so so hard and still finds energy to do and see what I want, I'm really really lucky. 

A few things I learned: 

1. French is SO hard
I had such high hopes that I would be fluent in French at this point (LOL), or at least really good at it. It's 10x harder than I anticipated, I'm not good with languages to begin with. I took six years of Spanish in school and even at the end it was a struggle. So, it's a work in progress..

2. Baguettes and pastries 
Too good & it's dangerous living across the street from a bakery (with the nicest bakers)

3. France is beautiful. 
I feel like when most people think France, they think Paris. Paris is easily one of the best and most charming cities in the world. Being a few hours outside of Paris showed us the country side and a lot of other history that I hadn't known before. It's all beautiful and breath taking. Pictures never truly do any of it justice. If you get the opportunity to come here, don't hesitate. 

4. I can do it
At first being here I was nervous to go out by myself, to the store, wandering, driving. I can't use my phone unless I'm connected to wifi (which has actually been so great). Not knowing the language and where I was or even the thought of someone talking to me freaked me out. BUT after I got used to the area and learned a few basic French things I was able to function like a real adult! I even know back roads, quicker ways to get around and when to avoid certain areas. Super proud of myself! 

5. I'm actually an adult
Growing up I never realized how fast time went and now looking back, I'm shocked. I'm out of college and have been living in a foreign country? What? I feel like I shouldn't be old enough to be allowed to make real life decisions sometimes. But for the past three months I think I've been adult-ing pretty well! Although, I am super excited to go home and have my mom cook dinner for me! 

(Tito is excited about all the traveling & festive things!) 

Vitré must have known I was leaving and turned on the Christmas lights (just for me)! (I've been waiting for them since Halloween) pictures don't do it justice, per usual. As much as I love France, I'm looking forward to getting back to the familiarity of home. I cannot wait to go somewhere and be able to understand what people are saying around me! 

See ya soon France!