Monday, October 26, 2015

Mont Saint Michel

Yesterday Joycie, Eric, Tito & I hopped in the car and went to check out Mont Saint Michel. We have heard from so many people that it's worth the trip and amazing. I've been wanting to go for weeks but put it off until Joycie came so we could all see it for the first time together. Driving there I kept catching glimpses of it in the distance, which made the build up even better and more exciting. 

We got there, parked in one of the designated grass lots and from there we had to figure it out. Parking is SO far with not too many signs of where to go next, we were in parking lot 11! There are options of horse drawn carriage, a trolley or walking. We had Tito so the carriage and trolley were out (they didn't allow dogs) so we took the 45 minute walk. Thankfully it was a beautiful sunny day! It also worked out that it was dead low, since you can't get to the island when it's high tide. The walk itself was great, so many people were coming and going and the view of the Mont was beautiful. 

The history behind it is really interesting & amazing for how old it is. We didn't know much about it before going which would have added to the "wow" factor, coming home we looked it up and were even more amazed. "The island has held strategic fortifications since ancient times and since the 8th century AD has been the seat of the monastary  from which it draws its name" (Wikipedia never lies) so that's pretty cool. 

The island itself was packed with tourists from all over the world, we didn't climb the 900+ stairs to the top of the abbey because.. 900 stairs... (Maybe next time!). Everything  was so narrow and crowded that we didn't attempt to go too far up the street. Instead we found the closest gelato shop, got some and climbed up a section of the walls to enjoy the views. 

Overall, it was such a great day! A lot more walking than anticipated (5.5 miles!) but worth every step to see such a pretty and historic place. I had two of my most favorite people and my Tito, it couldn't have been any better of a day! 

Another amazing place to check out of you're ever in northern France! 

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