Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week + Weekend Ramblings

The past week has been pretty uneventful, in the best way possible. Eric's basketball schedule has helped us fall into some sort of a routine. He has a super set schedule and I make mine up as I go, which I love. I'm currently bench sitting & people watching and it's a pretty/overcast fall day, it doesn't get much better! 

I have re-found a love for the gym which I'm super happy about! It's my second week back into it and I notice a huge difference. I actually look forward to going everyday, and if you know me.. that sounds absolutely crazy. But I truly love it and Eric comes a few days a week to help! 

Turns out, Tito was allergic to the food we switched him to here. Which you would never know because he really loved it. But it ended up giving him an allergic reaction which turned into a skin infection. Yuck. So, after medicine and medicated cream he seems to be feeling better! We are finally able to head back to the park so he can run around and get his craziness (mostly) out. 

Eric had a home game last night and even though they didn't win, it was a fun game to watch. He did great! Something I had never seen before was a woman referee, I was so surprised to see her & interested to see how it would go. In my opinion, and I'm sure almost everyone there last night would agree, she was awful. I'm all for equality, in every sense and maybe it was this particular woman who was an awful ref.. But (again, in my opinion) if you aren't qualified to play the game, you shouldn't be calling it. Anyway, after the game there was a cocktail party which was fun! 

(Not my pictures-  from where I was I didn't get any good ones!) 

For the rest of the weekend we relaxed, wandered around town & ate delicious food. My cousin got married, I was bummed I couldn't make the wedding but I got to FaceTime in and see everyone! Congrats Laurel & Ed!! Counting down the days (four!) until we have our first visitor, Joycie! 


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