Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Signs & Direction

I've taken a break from blog posts, it's not that I haven't written any (the notes section of my phone is enormous).. It's just that I took a huge step back from social media as a whole. A lot of the notes have been different from my regular posts and I'm not really comfortable sharing them, yet. No one besides me has even read them, but I felt like it was time; time to at least post this one, just to be more open. 

Ive been contemplating, (attempting to) meditate on and put all of my thought into a few things that have been weighing heavily on my heart and mind- it's consuming. I am a huge & firm believer in the universe and the power of positivity (even when I slip into some negativity & frustration). This morning, after over thinking and feeling like I'm driving myself crazy (Joycie can attest, I've reached that "crazy" a few times..) but anyway- this morning, I decided to ask the universe let me know if I'm doing good and I'm where I'm supposed to be. 

While getting ready for the day I asked for reassurance, if I'm doing the right thing to show me: blue- weird I know. I finished getting ready and headed out.. Today is apparently a recycling day, I had no idea. I also had no idea that the recycle cans are bright blue (ours is green) and almost every single house on my drive this morning had a bright blue can out front. Amazing. On top of that I saw countless other bright blue things, have you ever noticed how many tarps people have laying around? 

Apparently I wasn't completley understanding the signs (I have my moments of doubt, daily) and while mindlessly scrolling through Instagram the universe led me to an account. A completely random account of someone on another continent. This person's posts were honest & vulnerable (something I struggle with on social media; and if I'm being honest here- in life too) and super inspiring.. it showed me that I'm not alone. A lot of people don't understand and can't relate but this person can, and just knowing that made me feel so good.  I'm not sure what led me to click on the picture but it was something I needed to look through and see, another sign of "everything is okay". 

So I get it, I'm listening & noticing; I'm okay, doing good and heading in the right direction. At times it's hard and I do struggle within myself to sort out my feelings and thoughts, but it's all good. Everything is a season~ 

That view & this guy made for a pretty perfect Wednesday morning ;) 

** It's been almost a week since I first asked for a sign (of blue), which I've continued to ask for and in the past week I have seen more blue then I could have ever imagined.  I counted 36 bright blue cars on one 2 hour car ride, noticed so many things and picked up tons of blue beach glass; and my favorite piece today! What I thought was a round piece of beach glass turned out to be  an old glass bead! I made a bracelet as soon as I got home, a reminder I can keep with me. So grateful. 


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