Wednesday, April 26, 2017

30 Day March-April: Results/Review

Heathy living is something I really try to focus on. I love and live on the Arbonne nutrition line but I never committed to doing the 30 healthy living plan before, I was always nervous because I do slip up here and there with my eating choices (carbs of any kind are my weakness). So in March I finally decided to just commit to the month and see how it goes, I planned it out so I ended the day before I left for Arbonne's Global Training Conference (GTC) in Vegas because I didn't want to feel like I couldn't indulged since I promised myself I would stick to it. (Wolfgang Puck's truffle chips with blue cheese sauce are a must for me any and every time I'm in Vegas). 

Luckily Arbonne has an amazing line of products and I never feel like I'm missing out on anything because it's all that good. You also get week by week recipe guides and grocery lists so it's easy to switch up healthy meals to avoid getting tired of anything. 

So a typical day for me was a protein shake for breakfast which I loaded up with tons of great things: (usually) vanilla protein, almond milk, greens balance, fiber, bluebs or mixed berries (sometimes no berries), a spoonful of almond butter and lots of ice and it is so good. 
Lunch would either be a chocolate shake that I made that morning with almond milk, almond butter, and ice OR leftovers from dinner the night before. Dinner was so fun and to be honest once I fall into a habit or really like something, I stick with it for awhile- I got really into seasoning up some chicken (Chile lime is my current jam), roasting sweet potatoes and making guac. So. Good. 

     A quick thrown together dinner after   working late

 About once a week I switched it up with grass fed beef burgers and salmon.To be honest though, we were working late a lot so by the time I got home I was always looking forward to my usual chicken & sweets. At night instead of having an occasional glass of wine I switched it up to a detox tea every night, maybe I missed wine once or twice but I really love winding down with the tea! Sometimes I make it early in the day, let it cool and add ice and a fizz stick. 

Oh! I do have a huge sweet tooth, chocolate anything is good with me, so I made almond butter cups with the chocolate protein a bunch of times because they're delish and also filling. And the lava cakes with chocolate protein, for real it doesn't taste like it should be "allowed" 😍 

Also, I'm a snacker.. I rarely, if ever leave the house without a snack in my bag lol. Usually I'll have a bar of some sort and some raw almonds or cashews and Arbonne's fit chews that taste like candy but fill you/suppress your appetite. And now in my next 30 days, I'll be able to have the option of the two new amazing bars they released at GTC! YAY! 

So, I dropped the ball on my before pictures.. I really meant to take them but I didn't and I'm so bummed BUT I can say, there was a huge difference in beginning, middle and end. In the beginning I was feeling pretty bloated, tired and just not great. A few days in I noticed a ton more energy and didn't feel bloated or so sluggish. By the end I was feeling GREAT. I'm not big into weighing myself because I prefer to go by how I feel, I did weigh myself halfway through and I was down ~4 pounds so that's exciting! I considered climbing ladders/scaffolding all day/everyday my workout and probably should have done more than that but for now, I'm happy with my results and am so looking forward to starting another 30 days in May and incorporating working out consistently. 

Halfway through, super cute outfit, I know 😏

Two days after I finished~ 

A few days ago, I definitely noticed my legs feeling slimmer~ yay! 

My favorite part of the program is its doable, I never felt like I was missing out on anything. You have choices everyday and it just teaches you to make better ones, once you know how you feel eating clean as opposed to "normal" it's hard to go back. And if you have a cheat day or two, so be it, you know your body and how you feel and it's no big deal~ ultimately you want to just feel good and be happy so whatever that looks like for you is great! For me it's an 80/20 ratio of eating clean and as best I can/relaxing and enjoying myself- balance is a great thing! And I don't know any other program that you can eat chocolate and lava cakes with, but I'm just sayin 😉. 

If any of this sounds good to you, let me know!! I'm starting another 30 days in May, it's always fun to have a buddy to help you be accountable/give advice and talk you off the edge when you really want a freaking piece of pizza lol 

*as an extra note- all of Arbonne's products are vegan, gluten free, kosher certified, free of artificial colors and sweeteners and really delish! 


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