Sunday, September 20, 2015


Weekends are nice, really really nice. Even though everyday is like a weekend day for me, I love Saturday & Sunday. There are so many things do:

1. Farmers Market-ing 
Every Saturday there is a farmers market right down the street from our apartment. It couldn't be more convenient or perfect. We've been trying to get as much as we can for the week there. I'm biased and my love for farmers markets is a little over the top. But seriously, the freshness, the prettiness and the sense of community is the best. I'm all for supporting local/small businesses, it's a plus they usually have the best products! So we loaded up on fruits, veggies, Apple cider and flowers this weekend. It was perfect. And helped us remember we definitely need to step up our game learning French! 

We got the prettiest flowers that grew in the garden of the woman selling them. And extra delicious apple juice, cider and honey from a local orchard. 

2. Exploring & Adventuring 
I'm counting Friday in the weekend, because before Saturday & Sunday, there's nothing better than a Friday! Eric had the afternoon off so after a park trip, we hopped in the car and explored. After a bunch of random turns, we ended up in the country side. Super pretty, I wish pictures did it justice! 

Then, Saturday night Eric had an away game so Tito and I took a nice long walk. We got to sit and enjoy our favorite back road/countryside view, enjoy the energy of the shops and check out the street fair (for the second time that day). 

3. Relaxing 
As much as I love every single weekend activity, relaxing and lazy-ing around is up there on my list. Movies, naps and lounging were also on our agendas. I'm pretty sure napping is one of Tito's favorites (after the park & walks of course!). 

4. Picnicking
Sunday was beautiful, 70 and sunny. Since everything closes here on Sunday's it's slow, quiet and resembles a ghost town. I'm so curious as to where everyone goes. But anyway, we headed to the park with a few sandwiches and cider. Everyone else had the same idea, about the park, so maybe that's where everyone goes? It's such a pretty park, with so much open space. There are so many kinds of trees, flowers, an herb garden, a pond with its own island. The Palm trees are my absolute favorite!  

Happy weekend! 

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